
Wallapatta is like Markdown, but has a layout inspired by handouts of Edward R. Tufte1.

Wallapatta has a several improvements over Markdown.

Read the Wallapatta reference for a details on the syntax.

Get Started

Windows app

Download the Windows App or the Mac OS X App to write documents in wallapatta. It also lets you create printable documents (with smart page breaks).

Compile a book, blog or a page

Installing CLI

npm install -g wallapatta

Compiling a book (HTML book)

wallapatta --book book.yaml --output build --static

Enter wallapatta to see the command line usage help.

This documentation is written from Wallapatta. You can see the source and a sample book.yaml Github

Generating a static blog

wallapatta --blog blog.yaml --output blog --static

This blog post shows how to create a static blog with wallapatta. My blog is based on wallapatta.

<!> !assets/screenshot.png() Wallapatta is like <<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown(Markdown)>>, but has a layout inspired by handouts of **Edward R. Tufte**^^1^^. >>> ^^1^^ <<http://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0000hB (Book design: advice and examples - edwardtufte.com)>> <<< <iframe src="https://ghbtns.com/github-btn.html?user=vpj&repo=wallapatta&type=star&count=true&size=large" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="160px" height="30px" </iframe> Wallapatta has a several improvements over **Markdown**. >>> **<<https://www.forestpin.com/downloads/wallapatta/download/win32(Windows App>> **<<https://www.forestpin.com/downloads/wallapatta/download/darwin(Mac OS X App>> **<<reference.html(Wallapatta syntax reference)>> **<<http://wallapatta.github.io/editor.html(Editor Documentation)>> * Focus on printing <<http://vpj.github.io/page_breaks.html(Optimal Page Breaks>> * Sidenotes for Edward R. Tufte style documents * Free open source editor <<https://www.forestpin.com/downloads/wallapatta/download/win32(Windows App>> * Compile books or <<http://vpj.github.io/wallapatta.html(blogs)>> * Better image support * Indentation based (for --code folding-- etc) * Write HTML, <<http://vpj.github.io/wallapatta_scripts.html(Javascript, or Coffeescript)>> inside document * and more <<reference.html(Read the Wallapatta reference)>> for a details on the syntax. ##Get Started ###Windows app Download the <<https://www.forestpin.com/downloads/wallapatta/download/win32(Windows App)>> or the <<https://www.forestpin.com/downloads/wallapatta/download/darwin(Mac OS X App)>> to write documents in wallapatta. It also lets you create printable documents (with smart page breaks). Here's the <<http://wallapatta.github.io/editor.html(Editor Documentation)>>. ###Compile a book, blog or a page ####Installing CLI ``` npm install -g wallapatta ####Compiling a book (HTML book) ``` wallapatta --book book.yaml --output build --static Enter ``wallapatta`` to see the command line usage help. This documentation is written from Wallapatta. You can see the source and a sample ``book.yaml`` <<https://github.com/vpj/wallapatta/tree/master/doc(Github>> ####Generating a static blog ``` wallapatta --blog blog.yaml --output blog --static This <<http://vpj.github.io/wallapatta.html(blog post)>> shows how to create a static blog with wallapatta. <<http://vpj.github.io(My blog)>> is based on wallapatta.