Wallapatta Reference


Headings have the same syntax as Markdown. # for level 1 headings, ## for level 2 headings and so on. The content that belongs to the heading should be indented.


 Indented content


Again, similar to Markdown. Paragraphs are separated by blank lines.

More of paragraph1



Ordered lists begin with - while un-ordered lists begin with *. Since lists can be structured with indentation, it's easy to have lists within lists.

- Introduction
- Analyses

 - Daily analysis
 - Benford's law
 - Timeseries analysis
- Visualizations

 * Treemap
 * Bar charts
 * Dashboard


Images can be added with !.


Inline images can be added by surrounding the image URL with double square brackets ([[ and ]]).

This is a sentence which contains an [[https://d13yac....]] inline image.



  • IMAGE: image url
  • ALT_TEXT: alternate text if the image cannot be displayed
  • WIDTH_PERCENTAGE: maximum width of the image as a percentage of the document width
  • FLOAT: where to place the image; > moves image to right and< move the image to lest
  • CONTENT: content related to image; content gets wrapped around the image if the image is floating (<, >)

Content inside this is centered below the image


This text is wrapped around the image. The image is moved to right with >.

  • You can have any content in this section

Side Notes

Side notes can be added by >>>. It is possible to have any other component inside side notes. The content for to the side note is identified from indentation.

 This is a **side note** containing text, a list and an image.

 - One
 - Two
 - Three


Special Blocks

This is similar to block quotes in Markdown. Special blocks are specified by +++. The content is identified using indentation.

 **This is a special segment.

 Can have all the other things like images.


This is a special segment.

Can have all the other things like images.


Code Blocks

Code blocks are identified by three backtick quotes (`). To enable syntax highlighting, specify the language after the three backtick quotes.

 function test() {
      var i = 10
function test() {
      var i = 10

Formatted code blocks

These are code blocks with formatting. The content inside these can be formatted using normal wallapatta formatting. Formatted code blocks are identified by <<<wallapatta.

 **for** i := 0 **to** n
  S += A__i__ * B__i__
for i := 0 to n
 S += Ai * Bi


Tables can be specified with |||, and cells can be separated by |. The content of to the table are identified from indentation. Headers can be specified by following any row of cells with three equal signs (===).

 Header 1 | Header 2 | 3rd Header
 Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Third Cell
 Cell 4 | Cell 5 | Sixth Cell
Header 1Header 23rd Header
Cell 1Cell 2Third Cell
Cell 4Cell 5Sixth Cell

And here's an example of a table with spanned columns:

 Name | | Age
 First | Last |
 Foo | Bar | 25
 Baz | Fib | 19

HTML Blocks

HTML blocks are identified by <<<.

 <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"...
 <script async src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Here's a tweet embedded with an HTML block.

JavaScript Blocks

JavaScript blocks are identified by <<<js. The code is evaluated and the html code returned is rendered.

 "<strong>" + (7 * 100) + "</strong>"

CoffeeScript Blocks

CoffeeScript blocks are identified by <<<coffee. The code is evaluated and the html code returned is rendered.

 "<strong>#{7 * 100}</strong>"

Weya Blocks

Weya blocks are identified by <<<weya. The code is evaluated and the html code returned is rendered.

 G = 1.618
 H = 13
 order = [2, 4, 1, 0, 3]
 heights = (H * Math.pow G, i for i in order)
 @svg width: 250, height: 250, ->
  @g transform: "translate(2, 154)", ->
   for h, i in heights
    @g ".bar", transform: "translate(#{i * 50}, 0)", ->
     @rect y: -h * G, width: 46, height: h * G, fill: '#4a4a4a'
     @rect width: 30.67, height: h,fill: '#98ff98'
     @rect x: 30.67, width: 15.33, height: h, fill: '#8bea8b'

Fullwidth Blocks

Full width blocks are identified by <!>. They create content that takes up the full width of the document; i.e. taking up the space reserved for side notes.


This text is wrapped around the image, in a full width section. The image is moved to left with <.

See Images syntax for details on wrapping text around images.


Text can be made bold with **.

**This is bold** and this is not.

**This entire paragraph is bold.
Still the same paragraph.


Text can be italicized with --.

--This is italics-- and this is not

--This entire paragraph is in italics.
Still the same paragraph

Superscripts and Subscripts

Superscripts are wrapped inside ^^ ^^ and subscripts are wrapped inside __ __.

* 2^^2^^ = 4
* CO__2__

Inline Code

Inline code is identified by two backticks (`).

Click ``apply`` to save changes.


Links are wrapped inside << >>. The link text can be specified within brackets.

* <<http://www.twitter.com/vpj(My Twitter Account)>>
* <<http://blog.varunajayasiri.com>>


Comments can be specified with three forward slashes (///). All text typed inside a comment will be ignored, along with any other components or formatting used inside.

This is a sentence.

///This is a **comment** with some text, which won't appear

And this is yet another sentence.
  1. Introduction
  2. Analyses
    1. Daily analysis
    2. Benford's law
    3. Timeseries analysis
  3. Visualizations
    • Treemap
    • Bar charts
    • Dashboard

This is a sentence which contains an https://d13yacurqjgara.cloudfront.net/users/161539/screenshots/1789209/logo.png inline image.

50% image width


Wrapping text around the image


 blah blah

This is a side note containing text, a list and an image.

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three

It's possible to have empty cells, multiple header rows, and spanned columns.

This won't work in online editor since the twitter script will not load


It generates the Forestpin Logo

This is bold and this is not.

This entire paragraph is bold. Still the same paragraph.

This is in italics and this is not

This entire paragraph is in italics. Still the same paragraph

  • 22 = 4
  • CO2

Click apply to save changes.

This is a sentence.

And this is yet another sentence.

##Headings Headings have the same syntax as --Markdown--. ``#`` for level 1 headings, ``##`` for level 2 headings and so on. The content that belongs to the heading should be indented. ``` #Heading Indented content ##Paragraphs Again, similar to Markdown. Paragraphs are separated by blank lines. ``` Paragraph1 More of paragraph1 Paragraph2 ##Lists Ordered lists begin with ``-`` while un-ordered lists begin with ``*``. Since lists can be structured with indentation, it's easy to have lists within lists. ``` - Introduction - Analyses - Daily analysis - Benford's law - Timeseries analysis - Visualizations * Treemap * Bar charts * Dashboard >>> - Introduction - Analyses - Daily analysis - Benford's law - Timeseries analysis - Visualizations * Treemap * Bar charts * Dashboard ##Images Images can be added with ``!``. >>> !https://d13yacurqjgara.cloudfront.net/users/161539/screenshots/1789209/logo.png ``` !https://d13yac... Inline images can be added by surrounding the image URL with double square brackets (``[[`` and ``]]``). ``` This is a sentence which contains an [[https://d13yac....]] inline image. >>> This is a sentence which contains an [[https://d13yacurqjgara.cloudfront.net/users/161539/screenshots/1789209/logo.png]] inline image. ###Options ``` !IMAGE(ALT_TEXT)(WIDTH_PERCENTAGE)(FLOAT) CONTENT * ``IMAGE``: image url * ``ALT_TEXT``: alternate text if the image cannot be displayed * ``WIDTH_PERCENTAGE``: maximum width of the image as a percentage of the document width * ``FLOAT``: where to place the image; ``>`` moves image to right and``<`` move the image to lest * ``CONTENT``: content related to image; content gets wrapped around the image if the image is floating (``<``, ``>``) !https://static.pexels.com/photos/6547/sky-night-space-galaxy-large.jpeg(sample)(50) --Content inside this is centered below the image >>> 50% image width ``` !https://sta...(sample)(50) !https://static.pexels.com/photos/6547/sky-night-space-galaxy-large.jpeg(sample)(50)(>) This text is wrapped around the image. The image is moved to right with ``>``. * You can have any content in this section >>> Wrapping text around the image ``` !https://sta...(sample)(50)(>) blah blah ##Side Notes Side notes can be added by ``>>>``. It is possible to have any other component inside side notes. The content for to the side note is identified from indentation. ``` >>> This is a **side note** containing text, a list and an image. - One - Two - Three !https://d13yac... >>> This is a **side note** containing text, a list and an image. - One - Two - Three !https://d13yacurqjgara.cloudfront.net/users/161539/screenshots/1789209/logo.png ##Special Blocks This is similar to block quotes in Markdown. Special blocks are specified by ``+++``. The content is identified using indentation. ``` +++ **This is a special segment. Can have all the other things like images. !https://d13yac... +++ **This is a special segment. Can have all the other things like images. !https://d13yacurqjgara.cloudfront.net/users/161539/screenshots/2365282/dashboard-white.png ##Code Blocks Code blocks are identified by three backtick quotes (`). To enable syntax highlighting, specify the language after the three backtick quotes. ``` ```javascript function test() { var i = 10 } ```javascript function test() { var i = 10 } ##Formatted code blocks These are code blocks with formatting. The content inside these can be formatted using normal wallapatta formatting. Formatted code blocks are identified by ``<<<wallapatta``. ``` <<<wallapatta **for** i := 0 **to** n S += A__i__ * B__i__ <<<wallapatta **for** i := 0 **to** n S += A__i__ * B__i__ ##Tables Tables can be specified with ``|||``, and cells can be separated by ``|``. The content of to the table are identified from indentation. Headers can be specified by following any row of cells with three equal signs (``===``). ``` ||| Header 1 | Header 2 | 3rd Header === Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Third Cell Cell 4 | Cell 5 | Sixth Cell >>> It's possible to have empty cells, multiple header rows, and spanned columns. ||| Header 1 | Header 2 | 3rd Header === Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Third Cell Cell 4 | Cell 5 | Sixth Cell And here's an example of a table with spanned columns: ``` ||| Name | | Age First | Last | === Foo | Bar | 25 Baz | Fib | 19 ||| Name | | Age First | Last | === Foo | Bar | 25 Baz | Fib | 19 ##HTML Blocks HTML blocks are identified by ``<<<``. ``` <<< <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"... <script async src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> Here's a tweet embedded with an HTML block. <<< <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Wallapatta <a href="http://t.co/iaPELYc7RL">http://t.co/iaPELYc7RL</a> Alternative to <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/markdown?src=hash">#markdown</a> written in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/coffeescript?src=hash">#coffeescript</a></p>— Varuna Jayasiri (@vpj) <a href="https://twitter.com/vpj/status/532035802578944003">November 11, 2014</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> >>> This won't work in online editor since the twitter script will not load ##JavaScript Blocks JavaScript blocks are identified by ``<<<js``. The code is evaluated and the html code returned is rendered. ``` <<<js "<strong>" + (7 * 100) + "</strong>" >>> <<<js "<strong>" + (7 * 100) + "</strong>" ##CoffeeScript Blocks CoffeeScript blocks are identified by ``<<<coffee``. The code is evaluated and the html code returned is rendered. ```coffeescript <<<coffee "<strong>#{7 * 100}</strong>" >>> <<<coffee "<strong>#{7 * 100}</strong>" ##Weya Blocks Weya blocks are identified by ``<<<weya``. The code is evaluated and the html code returned is rendered. >>> <<https://github.com/vpj/weya(Weya on Github)>> ```coffeescript <<<weya G = 1.618 H = 13 order = [2, 4, 1, 0, 3] heights = (H * Math.pow G, i for i in order) @svg width: 250, height: 250, -> @g transform: "translate(2, 154)", -> for h, i in heights @g ".bar", transform: "translate(#{i * 50}, 0)", -> @rect y: -h * G, width: 46, height: h * G, fill: '#4a4a4a' @rect width: 30.67, height: h,fill: '#98ff98' @rect x: 30.67, width: 15.33, height: h, fill: '#8bea8b' >>> It generates the <<https://www.forestpin.com(Forestpin)>> Logo <<<weya G = 1.618 H = 13 order = [2, 4, 1, 0, 3] heights = (H * Math.pow G, i for i in order) @svg width: 250, height: 250, -> @g transform: "translate(2, 154)", -> for h, i in heights @g ".bar", transform: "translate(#{i * 50}, 0)", -> @rect y: -h * G, width: 46, height: h * G, fill: '#4a4a4a' @rect width: 30.67, height: h,fill: '#98ff98' @rect x: 30.67, width: 15.33, height: h, fill: '#8bea8b' ##Fullwidth Blocks Full width blocks are identified by ``<!>``. They create content that takes up the full width of the document; i.e. taking up the space reserved for side notes. ``` <!> !https://static.pexels.com/photos/6547/sky-night-space-galaxy-large.jpeg <!> !https://static.pexels.com/photos/6547/sky-night-space-galaxy-large.jpeg <!> !https://d13yacurqjgara.cloudfront.net/users/161539/screenshots/2365282/dashboard-white.png(sample)(50)(<) This text is wrapped around the image, in a full width section. The image is moved to left with ``<``. See **Images** syntax for details on wrapping text around images. ##Bold Text can be made bold with ``**``. ``` **This is bold** and this is not. **This entire paragraph is bold. Still the same paragraph. >>> **This is bold** and this is not. **This entire paragraph is bold. Still the same paragraph. ##Italics Text can be italicized with ``--``. ``` --This is italics-- and this is not --This entire paragraph is in italics. Still the same paragraph >>> --This is in italics-- and this is not --This entire paragraph is in italics. Still the same paragraph ##Superscripts and Subscripts Superscripts are wrapped inside ``^^ ^^`` and subscripts are wrapped inside ``__ __``. ``` * 2^^2^^ = 4 * CO__2__ >>> * 2^^2^^ = 4 * CO__2__ ##Inline Code Inline code is identified by two backticks (`). ``` Click ``apply`` to save changes. >>> Click ``apply`` to save changes. ##Links Links are wrapped inside ``<< >>``. The link text can be specified within brackets. ``` * <<http://www.twitter.com/vpj(My Twitter Account)>> * <<http://blog.varunajayasiri.com>> >>> * <<http://www.twitter.com/vpj(My Twitter Account)>> * <<http://blog.varunajayasiri.com>> ##Comments Comments can be specified with three forward slashes (``///``). All text typed inside a comment will be ignored, along with any other components or formatting used inside. ``` This is a sentence. ///This is a **comment** with some text, which won't appear And this is yet another sentence. >>> This is a sentence. ///This is a **comment** with some text, which won't appear And this is yet another sentence.